Very important question before installing sauna is: How much money I need?
Well, that’s very relative question. However, it depends where you live and what you want to install. On Fixf, you can find more detailed prices for sauna installation.
According to Fixlr
“One of the most unique DIY projects that any homeowner can opt to perform is the installation of a sauna. There is a huge array of prefabricated kits that make it easy to enjoy the many benefits of a sauna, and to also enable the owner to take their sauna with them if they sell the home. Most saunas do not have a huge resale value, and this makes it even more budget-friendly to use the kits.
For the purpose of this discussion we will explore the costs and materials necessary for the creation of a four person sauna sized at 5’x7′. According to, the price for such a kit will run at $2,400 to $3,200 and require only basic tools and skills. Where some additional costs or considerations may occur is in the electrical wiring and the foundation or available floor space.”
Prefabricated or not?
According to Cedar Book Sauna:
Sauna costs depend alot on
- Sauna size — We sell sauna kits for homes, spas and government agencies from roughly 4x4 to 8x12, but of course we can build any size larger as needed. One important note is our prefab sauna kits list the usable space. So a 5x8 sauna is truly 5x8 inside. We do not include the walls in the perimeter measurement. Your outdoor sauna base should be 8″ wider and longer than 5x8!
- Sauna heater — You have several choices to power your sauna, most are electric, but some like gas or wood-fired and infrared for other reasons like location, size, and costs to run. The bigger the sauna the more powerful the sauna heater required to heat it, of course. Some commercial saunas require two heaters.
- Special amentities — Sauna plumbing (not required), a nicer sauna door, windows with etched glass, or extra windows and sauna height and flooring choices are wonderful and do add up.
- Finish touches — Other finishing touches can add extra expense. E.g., there are also some really nice lights available now, bench facing and infrared emitters or lights make your sauna more comfortable
- Accessories — Our sauna heater and accessories package bundle these costs.
At the end, more informations about sauna costs you can find on