Sauna for the healthy skin
Skin is the largest organ of the body. First signs of aging and diseases are visible on the skin. Dermatological researches prove, the sweating induced through heat and humidity of the sauna push built-up sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells out through the pores. Sauna and sweating slow down the aging of the skin. Additionally, skin retains elasticity and healthy color.
Dermatologist about sauna
Sauna reduces many skin problems and enhances collagen reproduction. Sweating clears the skin, improves circulation and heals problematic skin. Sauna soothes acne and other problems with young skin. However, the sauna could worsen skin inflammation. So, before using sauna, ask a doctor for the advice.
Forget face lifting
Enhanced collagen reproduction forces the excretion of dead skin cells and promotes the growth of newer and healthier ones. Peeling with a towel removes a dead skin. In addition, sweating encourages circulation and removal of bacteria. After the sauna skin is renewed and softer. Hence, sauna is helpful for young and problematic skin as it is for dry and old skin.